Phenomenal ResultsWe are shaping the digital future by providing unique online functional and presentational development for the global business community through turnkey web strategy, design and technology solutions.
Thaidevbiz has successfully assembled a dynamic pool of creative and technological resources to achieve what some reviewers call "phenomenal results". We invite you to take a look at our extensive portfolio.
No tech talk and sales mumbo jumbo - just facts, case studies and rock-solid references in plain English. You be the judge if we are the right company to take your internet presence to the next level.
Education and CollaborationOur approach is based on collaboration - we don't try to sell you "cool" things you don't need. We listen. And we educate. The more you know about your options, the better we can satisfy your needs. We partner with our clients and seamlessly integrate with their teams to bring forth the best possible solution.
Our success depends on our clients' successes. We do not just build beautiful sites for our portfolio - we build sites that fulfill the needs of our clients and meet and exceed their expec tati ons. All done on time and on budget.We firmly believe that "the price we quote is the price you get." - if we misquoted and it took some more time then anticipated - the client is not going to pay for that. Only if the agreed upon scope of work changes significantly will we price the additional items separately.
Our approach to any project is always an educational one - all involved parties learn something that will benefit the resulting site/project.
Helping you Leap AheadOur account managers are highly experienced individuals that will explain all of the capabilities, technologies, possibilities and core competencies - yet also listen and learn everything about the client's industry, competition, vision and business needs.
This allows us to build custom sites that will meet and exceed expectations for years - since only if the client knows the possibilities - can he/she utilize them to their fullest benefit and realize his/her company's online potential.
Learn About Our ServicesThaidevbiz is a “One Stop Shop” for online development. We do branding, search engine optimization, back-end programming and more!